FSL230.ZIP 293,465 10-05-96 Fslogin V2.30 Full Screen Login for Novell Netware. Full Screen Login is A Login Utility for Novell Netware Users. Fslogin Provides A User Friendly, Menu Driven Interface to Guide the User Through the Login Process.
IPXCPY24.ZIP 77,063 09-19-96 Ipxcopy.Exe: Copy Files Between Pcs Via Lan (Ipx Interface). Features: Subdirectories Crc-32/16, High Speed, Overwrite Check. V24
SRVINFO.ZIP 67,026 01-12-97 The Purpose of This Vio Rexx Pgm is to Query Remaining Space on Specific or all Drives of One or all Servers of A Given Domain on Your Lan. Output can be the Screen/File/Lpt1. Note That This Program is Targeted at System